
Stream Video from ESP32 to Raspberry Pi
By using an ESP32 with a camera, we can stream video wirelessly to a Raspberry Pi very easily.
Nov 8, 2020

Store and Load Files in SPIFSS of ESP32
Compared with the Arduino, ESP32 has a large non-volatile storage. We can use this storage to store different files, and use the built-in SPIFSS library to load the files in the program.
Jul 25, 2020

Asynchronous Programming with uasyncio in MicroPython
MicroPython has an awesome library to help us schedule multiple tasks that run indefinitely. That is to say, it is possible to have multiple infinite loops running at the same time.
Jun 13, 2020

Send Notifications from ESP32 to Telegram with IFTTT
With IFTTT, we can send notifications to Telegram according to the data from the sensors connected to ESP32.
Jun 6, 2020

Control NeoPixels over the Internet with ESP32 and Micropython
NeoPixels are amazing - but controlling them over the Internet by using Adafruit IO is even more amazing!
May 30, 2020

Upload Sensor Data to Adafruit IO with ESP32 and MicroPython
Collecting data for further processing and analysis is an important part of an IoT system. With Adafruit IO, we can start prototyping such IoT systems with very little effort.
May 23, 2020

Measure Temperature and Humidity with ESP32 and MicroPython
With the DHT11 sensor, it is very easy to measure temperature and humidity for IoT devices.
May 9, 2020

Create a Simple Web Server with ESP32 and Arduino IDE
It is easy to build a simple web page as an interface to control the GPIOs of the ESP32 microcontroller, which is Arduino-compatiable.
Apr 25, 2020

Getting Started with MicroPython for ESP32
With MicroPython, we can control the Wifi-capable ESP32 board with simple, elegant Python codes.
Apr 4, 2020