Control a Servo Motor with Arduino

A servo motor
A servo motor


In a typical robot, there are usually a few movable parts. For example, a robotic arm may need to move in a particular direction and grab something. Such maneuvers require a high degree of precision, and a simple DC motor is not suitable for such tasks. Instead, servo motors are needed. Luckily, hobbyist servo motors are inexpensive and small. Perhaps more importantly, it is very easy to use an Arduino to control these small servo motors.

In this tutorial, we will learn:

  • what is servo motor is,
  • how to use an Arduino to control a servo motor

To achieve the above learning outcomes, we will build a simple gift box that can be opened an closed by a servo motor.

Open and close the box with a servo
Open and close the box with a servo

Materials and Tools

  • Arduino Uno x 1
  • SG90 servo motor x 1
  • Jumper wires
  • Paper box x 1

Servo Motor

If you look at a servo motor closely, you will find that it actually has a DC motor inside. There is also a gear box attached to the motor.

Closer look of a servo motor
Closer look of a servo motor

Through gearing, the rotation speed is lowered, and the output torque is increased. Other than the gear box, there is also a controlling circuit inside a servo motor. To understand more about how a servo motor works, you may read this nice article from ScienceBuddies. We will focus on controlling a servo motor instead.

Positional rotation servo

This time, we focus on positional servos. The shaft of this type of servo motors can typically rotate 180 degrees.

The shaft can move from 0 degree to 180 degree.
The shaft can move from 0 degree to 180 degree.

The angle position is controlled by a pulse-width-modulation (PWM) signal. For instance, to control the servo motor we use in this tutorial, the SG90, we need to use 50 Hz PWM signal (i.e. the period is 20 ms) to control the servo motor. The angle position is controlled by the duty cycle of the PWM signal. The shaft of the SG90 will rotate to the following positions according to different values of duty cycle:

Angle position Duty cycle (50 Hz PWM)
0 degree 5% (1 ms “on”)
90 degree 7.5% (1.5 ms “on”)
180 degree 10% (2 ms “on”)

This is kind of messy. Luckily, the servo library of Arduino enables us to handle all of these with a few simple function calls.

Control the Servo with Arduino

First, let’s attach a shaft to the servo motor. The SG90 comes with different shafts, so you can choose the most suitable one for your projects.

Different shafts of SG90
Different shafts of SG90

Then, we need to connect the servo to the Arduino. The servo motor only has three cables: power (usually in red), ground (usually in brown) and signal (usually in orange). Connect the cables to the Arduino as follows.

Servo motor Arduino
Power 5V
Ground GND
Signal Pin 9
Connecting the servo to the Arduino UNO
Connecting the servo to the Arduino UNO

Then, we write a simple Arduino program to control the servo motor.

#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;

void setup(){

void loop(){

Upload the program to the Arduino, and the servo motor should move to the 0 degree and the 90 degree positions repeatedly.

The servo motor is moving!
The servo motor is moving!

Let’s look at the codes in details.

To use the servo motor library, we need to import the library with the #include preprocessor macro.

#include <Servo.h>

Then, we create an object representing the servo motor. Declaring an object of a class is just like declaring a variable.

Servo myservo;

An object of the Servo class has the necessary data structures and functions for controlling the servo motor.

NOTE: Object is an important concept of programming. Object oriented programming (OOP) is a paradigm used by many programming languages. You may refer to this W3Schools tutorial about OOP to know more about it.

In the setup function, we assign a pin for sending the PWM signal to the servo motor by calling the attach function of the myservo object.

void setup(){

NOTE: Although we use the PWM-capable pin 9 in the example, the servo library can be used with any digital output pin. That’s because the PWM frequency is just 50 Hz, and the Arduino can create the signal via bit-banging.

In the loop function, we simply call the write function of the myservo object to move the servo motor to a particular angle position.

void loop(){
    myservo.write(0); // from 0 to 180
    // ... some other codes

The parameter of this function is the angle position, ranging from 0 to 180. Feel free to enter other values and see how the shaft moves. If you find any difficulties, you may check out the sample code here.

Attach the Servo to a Box

Let’s use the servo motor to open and close the lid of a paper box. Remove the servo motor from the Arduino, and following the steps below.

First, we make a hole near the hinge of the lid on a face of the box:

Then, put the top gear of the servo motor into the hole, and use glue to fix the servo motor to the box:

Next, we attach the shaft with one arm to the servo motor, and use a screw to fix the shaft.

Finally, we fix the shaft to the lid of the box with tape or glue.

Attach the servo motor to the Arduino again. The box can be opened and closed by the servo motor!

Conclusion and Assignment

Being able to control a servo motor with an Arduino is a huge step towards robotics. You may 3D print/laser cut a robotic arm like this one and use servo motors to drive the arm. With designs like the slider crank mechanism, you may even convert rotational motion into linear motion. There are just endless possibilities of projects based on servo motors.

To consolidate the knowledge, you may try the following assignment:

Use a potentiometer to control a servo that opens and closes the lid of the box.

Here’s the circuit diagram for your reference:

You may look at the sample code here. If you find any difficulties, you may also ask us via our Facebook page.